Friday, October 8, 2010

How to choose the right shape shoes for women

* Chiropodists recommend that when buying sandles to choose one with a strap round the back or heel of your foot as it is far more comfortable when the strap is around the big bones than trying to expect the small ones in front of your foot take all the pressure when walking.
* To avoid pinching and blistering and feel more comfortable always buy your summer and holiday shoes one size more than your winter shoes.
* Buy shoes in the late afternoon when your feet are at their largest,as your feet can expand as much as half a size.
* Don’t hesitate or be afraid to spend your time trying shoes in the shop.Walk up and down ,rock on your heels and do a few twirls to ensure a correct and comfortable fit.
* Leave about 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch between your longest toe and the inside end of your shoe.Make sure your toes have enough room to lie flat,without being jammed up.
* To avoid abrasion and blisters,the heel of your foot should sit comfortably in the shoe with a small amount of room made available for slip age.
* Go for a shoe style that enables the shape of your foot.Don’t choose long pointed-toed shoes if you have wide toes as they can pain your feet and choke your gait.
* Just as with clothes you’ll find that you require different size shoes depending on different manufacturer’s cuts and fits.

Always consider your body shape together with legs and ankles.If you’re short with chunky legs,try to avoid an ankle strap,which will serve to make your legs look bigger and uglier.If you’ve big feet,avoid very dainty shoes,but don’t go over the top with heavy women’s shoes either.

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