Thursday, March 5, 2009

ong Tail Optimization

Yes, another Long Tail article.

While the commonly referred to Long Tail is about the smaller but passionate buyer, another thought must be given to getting those items found.

This is the essence of Long Tail Optimization.

It is also known as "ecommerce optimization" or "catalog seo". This term simply means to ensure the proper naming structure, meta-tagging and labeling of every product found within the ecommerce site.

Since most ecommerce sites are dynamically produced, it's much easier to implement the required code changes needed in order to effectively code each product on a granular level.

Amazingly, there are many sites that aren't taking advantage of this. Some of the reasons are:
  • The site is static
  • The Content Management System (CMS) doesn't allow for meta tag coding
  • The SiteMaster isn't aware that they can impact all the products
  • Red Tape
  • Ignorance
If the web administrator knows the simple basics of seo, they can easily apply the values to all the pages any CMS system creates.

So why bother?

While it's true that 20% of all product/service/entertainers deliver 80% of the revenue, the remaining 20% of the Long Tail over time, can easily justify the effort needed to gain and maintain the rankings needed that lead to conversions.

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